One of the most important things I have learned this past semester is to never postpone happiness. I was told that by this guy and for some reason it really spoke to me. Along with "live with no regrets", "never postpone happiness" is a saying that I have learned to live by. Usually, I am one of those people that over thinks EVERYTHING! I look at a situation from every angle and then try to make the best decision based off of my observations. I hate making decisions. I have realized a lot this past semester that if I think too much, I become miserable because I'm constantly thinking about this stupid decision I have to make or I go through a million and a half "what-if" scenarios. I think about the good, the bad, and the ugly and it drives me INSANE!!!!!!! Doing that is postponing my happiness. Ever since those words were told to me, I have tried my hardest to stop thinking and just doing. Yes, I understand that some things need to be thought about but over thinking a text from a guy or something stupid like that is hindering my ability to live life and be truly happy. Over analyzing things took over my life this past semester and didn't allow me to live life with no regrets. After really thinking (probably too much) about the meaning of "never postponing happiness" i realized that if I live my life by those three words, how much happier I would be. If i know something is going to make me happy, why look at it from a bad angle? Doing this has made me such a happier person and I've been able to open up to people that really needed to know the real me. By keeping my true self and feelings inside, my happiness was postponed. For those that truly know me and my situations last semester, letting what I thought out led me to meet some awesome people who turned out to be fantastic friends. Yeah, it sucked for a little bit and sometimes still does suck, but in the bigger picture by not saying anything I was miserable. They say that people find their "true selves" in college and learn a lot about themselves and sometimes those sayings are BS, but this past semester I have learned a lot about myself and have changed some things I didn't like and done some things I'm not too proud of, but everything has shaped me and has made me happy. Why postpone happiness any longer? It's so much better being happy than it is sad, so don't think just do and that's how memories are made.
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